Arizona Police Officers Association’s primary mission is to create a partnership between Police Officers and the Communities they serve. We directly support the police officers by providing equipment and training that falls outside their respective department’s budget. Our goal is to ensure that our officers have the best tools available to provide safe and effective crime prevention.
Meet the Executive Director & Board of Advisors
During my twenty-six-year career as a police officer, my fellow officers and I found the most important factor in doing our jobs effectively was having the support and backing of the community we served. For a time, we were fortunate to have organizations that provided much-need equipment, education and training grants, financial support for families of officers injured or killed in the line of duty, legal defense, and other types of support.
Sadly, those organizations are no longer active. That’s why I created the Arizona Police Officers Association. Our goal is to step in and fill that critical need by working with the community, raising funds to provide the types of support our officers need to best do their jobs, and continue my passion for public service.
As a retired Police Watch Commander, I have seen first-hand how a lack of equipment and training negatively impacted the ability of officers to do their jobs effectively and with excellence. This also affected the officers’ overall morale and willingness to remain in the Law Enforcement profession. The APOA aims to fix that. But we need your help.

Meet the Executive Director & Board of Advisors

During my twenty-six-year career as a police officer, my fellow officers and I found the most important factor in doing our jobs effectively was having the support and backing of the community we served. For a time, we were fortunate to have organizations that provided much-need equipment, education and training grants, financial support for families of officers injured or killed in the line of duty, legal defense, and other types of support.
Sadly, those organizations are no longer active. That’s why I created the Arizona Police Officers Association. Our goal is to step in and fill that critical need by working with the community, raising funds to provide the types of support our officers need to best do their jobs, and continue my passion for public service.
As a retired Police Watch Commander, I have seen first-hand how a lack of equipment and training negatively impacted the ability of officers to do their jobs effectively and with excellence. This also affected the officers’ overall morale and willingness to remain in the Law Enforcement profession. The APOA aims to fix that. But we need your help.
Arizona Law Enforcement Agencies are calling on you for help!
Law enforcement officers put their lives on the line daily to protect the communities they serve. Please donate today to ensure our officers have the tools they need to support the communities.
Local agencies will receive the much-needed equipment and technology upgrades that aid in crime prevention and criminal activity.
- Tactical Equipment (rifles, scopes, etc.)
- K9’s and Horses
- Education Grants (Law Enforcement Training)
- Public Safety Equipment (vests, goggles, gloves, etc.)
- And Much More!
In addition, training and programs geared toward building community and Police Officer relationships with enhanced trust and communication.
Please continue your support for the Police Officers of Arizona. You make a difference and every donation helps to ensure our communities stay safe!
In addition, Training and programs geared toward building community and Police Officer relationships with enhanced trust and communication.
Please continue your support for the Police Officers of Arizona. You make a difference and every donation helps to ensure our communities stay safe!
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President Lunch Invite
Arizona Police Officers Association is a 501(c)(3) organization. Please contact your tax preparer regarding tax-deductible eligibility.
“We cannot thank you enough for your support! It’s critical that our men and women in law enforcement have the necessary equipment to do their jobs and keep our community safe. Please click below to make your gift today.”

Executive Director | Founder
All Rights Reserved © 2023 | Arizona Police Officers Association