by azpoa | May 30, 2023 | News
AZPOA.ORG is both honored and humbled to add Councilwoman Klapp to our esteemed Board of Advisors. Councilwoman Klapp was a Scottsdale City Councilwoman from 2009-2021 and was a solid supporter of public safety throughout her 12-year term. She voted in favor of...
by azpoa | May 18, 2023 | News
AZPOA.ORG is pleased and honored to welcome Retired Officer Horton to AZPOA.ORG as a member of our esteemed advisory board. Advisory board members will be instrumental in determining where AZPOA.ORG donated funds will be...
by azpoa | Mar 15, 2023 | News
The Arizona Police Officers Association (AZPOA.ORG) was proud and honored to assist Scottsdale PD Officer Tines and his family during a recent heartbreaking family tragedy. AZPOA.ORG and their wonderful donors were able to donate $625.00 to this very worthwhile cause....
by azpoa | Mar 15, 2023 | News
Our Mission Arizona Police Officers Association’s primary mission is to create a partnership between Police Officers and the Communities they serve. We directly support the police officers by providing equipment and training that falls outside their respective...